The charges generates a high voltage electrostatic charges , in positive or negative polarity, in order to create a temporary adhesion between two dielectric surfaces. For example , it is the case in packaging processing, there is necessity to keep sticking together two plastic films before of welding. The ionizing charger needs to be connected with an external emitter , like bar or charging head.
Electrostatic Head TXX-9P
It is a “head” with 9 pins on each of which focusses high voltage from the external charger. If you use a head with single wire (TXX-9P1) , you use only one polarity and you are “charging” the material to obtain adhesion, if you use double wire (TXX-9P2) you are working in double polarity (+/-) in order to obtain ionisation to temove static electricity from material.
Charging bar BRC-FT
Bar is produced in lenght like material widht to be charged. In this way you obtain a perfect adhesion in which point of his lenght. It is normally used in case of films, laminated and all flat surfaces to keep still during production cycle.